Scandic Hotels Group uses the open-source typeface Fira Sans typeface on this website and for all other digital experiences such as apps, social media, apps, digital images, online videos and digital data.  
Fira Sans is an open-source font created by Carrois Apostrophe with sponsorship from Google. It is licensed under the SIL Open Font License (OFL). For more information please visit Google Fonts
Terms of Use 

  1. Freedom to Use: You are free to use Fira Sans for both personal and commercial purposes without any licensing fees. 
  2. Modification and Redistribution: You may modify and redistribute Fira Sans under the same SIL Open Font License, provided that the font name is not used for any derivative work without explicit written permission from the original author. 
  3. Attribution: When redistributing the font, modified or unmodified, you must retain the copyright notice included with the font and provide the URL to the OFL license. 

License Details 

The SIL Open Font License is designed to allow the font to be freely used, modified, and distributed while protecting the author’s rights. The full text of the license can be accessed at the following link: SIL Open Font License. 


This website and Scandic Hotels Group are not affiliated with the creators of the Fira Sans typeface. The use of the Fira Sans typeface on this website does not imply endorsement by its creators. 
For more information about the Fira Sans typeface and its licensing, please visit the official SIL Open Font Licence page
By using this website, you agree to comply with the terms of the SIL Open Font License when using the Fira Sans typeface. For any questions or additional information regarding the use of Fira Sans on this website, please contact us at +46 851735000